Saturday, November 10, 2012

Memeja Hypothesis Results Day 2

If I could, I would stay in to code all day long. But if we did that, we would fail. I've learned that a startup is not about coding up some brilliant idea but instead about creating small experiments and talking with users. At the end of the day, the users are the ones who determine your success.

We woke up at 6am to commute to Berkeley and market. Our strategy: post flyers before students came to class. Then, in class, students would presumably be bored and in a position where checking out our site would be easy.

We ran out of flyers around 9am, but I'm confident that if we continued to 4 or 5pm, the response would have been tremendous. For 3 hours worth of marketing,

about 40 people visited the site with a bounce rate of ~21%.

From Nov 7th to Nov 10th, we got about 88 unique new visitors and 33 unique returning visitors. The average visit duration is about 5min 30s for new visitors and 11m 18s for returning visitors. Those metrics are likely underestimated though due to Google Analytics' treatment of diff stamps. For example, a user who views the first page for 5 min and leaves would not be averaged in.

For bounce rate, 26% for new visitors and 40% for returning visitors. Probably due to the fact that these returning visitors are checking the site to see if any new rage comics are up.

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